Seed oil-free shopping Made easy

with Seedy

Our goal is to make Seedy the one stop source for a seed oil-free lifestyle.Find thousands of seed oil-free products at your favorite stores with Seedy. Create shopping lists. Search by category, brand, store - even search by voice chat.

Email us at [email protected] for inquiries.

The problem

  • Seed oils are toxic

  • Seed oils are in practically everything

  • Reading ingredient lists takes forever

  • Many restaurants cook with seed oils

The solution

  • A comprehensive shopping list of seed oil free products

  • User submission of seed oil-free products

  • A simple interactive AI chat feature - "Hey Seedy, what tortillas should I buy?"

  • Find restaurants near you that feature seed oil free items!

Find products

Find thousands of seed oil-free products by category, store, and brand.

Shopping lists

Easily add products to your shopping list.

AI-powered chat

"Hey Seedy, what tortillas should I buy?"

Find Restaurants

Find nearby restaurants with seed oil-free options.

Learn with Seedy

Browse recipes, videos, articles, and more!

Ready to hit the stores

Shopping list

Easily add products to your shopping list so you've got all your seed oil-free products on your phone, at a glance.

Let's eat out


Find restaurants near you with seed oil-free options.

resources for a seed oil-free lifestyle

Learn with Seedy

Tons of in-app content so you can learn more about the negative effects of toxic seed & vegetable oils.

Seed Oils Bad

Get Seed-Pilled Today

And finally...

Thank you to the THOUSANDS of people who downloaded our DIY Seedy App Demo in 2022. You showed us the tremendous interest out there for a way to find seed oil-free food and we are excited to build a professional product that can grow into the ultimate tool for Seed Oil Disrespecters everywhere. This will be an entirely NEW product from the DIY Demo in 2022.

We believe Americans consume unhealthy amounts of seed oils. By removing seed oils from your diet, you can live a happier and healthier life.

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